Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Doctor Visit Introductions

Since we've been back from Mexico, I've been a little behind in everything that needs to get done.  (Read: I'll be posting some pictures soon.)  But, this was too funny.  At least to me.

Yesterday, we took an unexpected trip to the doctor for Graeme (diagnosis: eye infection).  That's not the funny part.  We were in the waiting room and the boys were looking at the fish tank.  Another family came in and their two boys saddled up to the fish tank as well.  Dialog went as follows:

Gavin: Hi, what's your name?

Other boy: Gavin

Gavin:  No, what's YOUR name?

Other boy: G-A-V-I-N

At this point the other mom and I figure out what's going on and explain that they have the same name.  Something my Gavin, I'm sure, had never considered.