Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two Weeks in Mexico

We just got back from a lovely trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico with Craig's mum and step dad.  My parents came too for a few days as well, so it was grandparent central.  The whole trip was wonderful, and being away really allowed me to appreciate where I live.  Even though it is chilly and wet, I love the signs of Spring that we returned to.... bulbs peeking up through the bark mulch, buds on trees, sunshine here and there, and the fresh air that clears your lungs.  Don't get me wrong, heat is wonderful and I'm glad I have a little tan that will last till summer.  But there's nothing like being away to make you appreciate what you've got.  And, though there were several funny moments on our trip, one is worth sharing.

One evening after dinner, Graeme has not eaten so well, and his grandma Karen was negotiating that he eat a little more and then have dessert.  She proposed her idea and, as she reached out her hand, then said, "So, we'll shake hands?"

Graeme looked at her, raised both hands in the air, gave them a good shake, and then ran away.

It was so funny!  He sealed the deal on his terms, but not quite like we'd imagined.  

Here are a few pictures from the trip:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rainbow Sighting

The boys and I ventured up to the Imagine Children's Museum in Everett today.  They love it there, and (I think I've mentioned before) Gavin "works" there.  He was very happy I finally understood the importance of being at work on time.  (Read: I think they watch too much Thomas the Train.)

The boys were great, playing trains and the other exhibits without accidents or freak outs.  I planned my yoga class.  Fabulous.

The free parking around the museum is 90 minutes, so we left mid-play to go move the car and then returned to play some more.  I'm usually pretty good about parking but, as you may know, doing anything with little ones takes a bit longer than you think it should.  (You can see where this is heading...)

We finally left without too much ado, and saw THE best rainbow walking down the street to our car.  It was SO vibrant!  I hadn't seen one like that in a while and the boys stopped to 'ooh' and 'aww'.  The magical rainbow feeling lasted about two minutes until we actually got to our car and there was a little piece of paper under the windshield wiper.  "Please be a solicitation," I thought... but, no luck.  Parking ticket.  Blah.

I'm pretty sure the parking attendant was writing the ticket while we looked at the rainbow.  We were barely ten minutes late.  Bummer.  Oh well.  Maybe getting a ticket once will help me hurry the boys out the door when it is time to leave next time!