Thursday, May 16, 2013

Guess what we found!

Well, Graeme, actually.  He's the finder.  The finder of all things interesting and potentially gooey.  On the walk to school today, he informed me that he had a "wet" side and a "dry" side.  Each hand, that is.

In the "wet" hand,  lived two snails (one large, one small) and an earthworm rescued from the middle of the street.  The "dry" hand held two rolly polly bugs and a baby maple tree sprout.

Once we got home he plated the tree in a pot and transferred all the bugs into his bug catcher.  (Best couple bucks I've spent!)  Both boys have been obsessed with bugs (well, forever), but since I got them new bug kits with catching tools!  Hours of mummy-free entertainment.  Wonderful independence!

We also had a  different friend, Ted, come visit us this morning.  Apparently, he's fond of bird seed.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Next up... Broadway!

Last night, we all watched Gavin's debut on stage... a "Bugs Life" musical with his kindergarten class.  He was a firefly, which was the most fun part apparently because they got two glow sticks to keep.

The first time his teacher mentioned the play, Gavin was less than excited.  He may have even hid under a table when we tried to get his to initially practice his lines.  (There were four.)  We went a little old school and made him write them out ten times.  But he learned them... and did a great job last night.

Though he was nervous and said he didn't want to go, once we got to school he raced off to his classroom to get in costume.  We're not really expecting Broadway in his future... unless of course there's a musical about trains.  (Little does he realize that they do a play every year.)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just for the record...

Gavin says tonight: "Mummy, I'm a very calm kid.  I'm done with all the fussiness and stuff.  My trains are really calming."  Maybe the train obsession is helping mellow out my spirited kiddo.  But, you all heard it too!  He's done with the fussiness.  That is fantastic to hear.

Graeme's quote for the evening?  "We have two pockets in our cheeks that hold the love for blowing kisses!"  (Followed by blown kiss, of course.)

I know every mum thinks her kids are the greatest, but seriously.  So cute.  I'm glad they have a balance of go-go-go and stopping to smell the flowers.  (Though, some days that makes the walks to school really slow.)

That's all I've got for now... in effort to write more regularly.  And record all the cute comments that would otherwise be forgotten.