Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dirt and Slugs!

Just wanted to post some pictures from recent play, even if it's only the mud puddle in the backyard.

No, Gavin's not sleeping.
He's on a construction job... then mummy's job is lots of laundry. ;)

At the park today. I LOVE his hair and don't want to cut it. He's got the cutest little curls on the sides and in the back. So sweet. If we cut it, then he's officially a little boy rather than baby. (Although he's now getting mistaken for a little girl.)

And he's now got 4 teeth on the bottom! He's up to 8 total.
(His tongue is pretty much healed.)

His favorite thing to say: "Boots on! Boots on!"
Loves his yellow rain boots... because puddles are on the way!

"Mummy look at the dump truck!"

Gavin at the park today, after a trail ride on his bike (hence the helmet).
Hey, he's in the dirt again! Surprise!
Quotes from during his ride:
"I love mud!"
"I love slugs! These animals (slugs) want to watch construction trucks with me."

Gavin and I went snail and slug hunting on Wednesday in our yard. He had a bucket of 3 snails and 4 slugs, which - according to Gavin - wanted to come in and snuggle.

"These animals like to snuggle."

I told them they needed to go for a swim first. Mean mummy.
Must get rid of evidence before swimming "animals" are found outside backdoor.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Picture Gallery

The dualie trucks like to sleep in the flowers (though not shown )...
they like to snuggle too, when they're indoors.

Graeme doesn't necessarily understand that we don't want dirt to get lodged in his tongue before it heals. He insists on eating dirt anyway.

New tomato plants in new structure. We'll see if it works. I also planted 6 tiny tomato plants that I started, but they are only about 1 inch high.
Don't know if they'll survive.

Our first harvest. Radishes. Very small radishes. The perfect size for Gavin.

What? No, my kids don't watch TV.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quick Update

My updates to this never seem to be too quick, but oh well. All is well in the Maclean household, for the most part anyway. We had a wonderful weekend with grandparents and sunshine - a good combo! The day we got home, however, Graeme managed to bit his tongue yet again. Yes, this is the third time he's bit his tongue quite severely. (Amazing since he only still has seven teeth, and he's been supervised every time! Hopefully this doesn't reflect on our parenting skills.) He's doing alright now, although it was sweet that now he could say, "Tongue hurt!" I think both he and Gavin enjoy the chocolate pudding I bought for the occasion... since soft foods are recommended for a while. Gavin actually said we should change our names to 'pudding' and he went around saying, "Gavin Pudding, Graeme Pudding, Mummy Pudding, and Daddy Pudding!" Kind of strange, but cute too.

Gavin is still about 90/10 for the potty training business... thank goodness for my Norwex cloths! (shameless plug) Today he had a milestone, however, because he went #2 downstairs while he was playing alone. I was getting Graeme ready for bed and called down to him and he yelled back, "I'm going poop in the potty!" Quite proud of the little man, and I'm including more potty talk here than probably needed, but it's a big deal in our house right now.

Craig is doing well and looking forward to some golf in the next few weekends, something he doesn't do nearly enough these days. We both have about a thousand projects planned for the house and yard, but neither the extra funding nor hours to complete them all. All in good time...

I am excited to teach my first yoga "class" tomorrow! A few friends volunteered to be guinea pigs and I'm a little nervous. I just did the class that I plan for them, though, and I think it'll be good. So, I'll let you know! Otherwise, I do have a little cold, which is a bummer. Hopefully it won't last long. Only three more yoga weekends and then I'm done with training and certified to teach! Then summer begins!

I have some cute pictures to post, but it's too late right now. Tomorrow...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Common Scene

As Gavin is nearly entirely potty trained, he gets unlimited access to the bathroom. This can be dangerous at times as he likes to 'give trucks a bath' and fill cups to the brim. On this day, however, I walked in to him saying, "I am sorry, Mummy. I am rolling it back up." Too cute! He had unrolled the toilet paper all the way - and it was a pretty full roll. I didn't even say anything, but since this isn't the first time, he knew what he was supposed to do. It took about 10 minutes for him to roll it back up. (I had a picture, but now I can't find it.)

Workin' in the Yard

Gavin is very proud of his new ladder bridge!

It's a rainy morning here, after a gorgeous weekend, and we're just deciding what to do today. We worked in the yard a little this weekend, and I took some pictures. Craig built a new ladder bridge for Gavin (but the big kids like to ride it too), and he put up a tomato support for Mother's Day. (We're trying it anyway; not entirely sure if it'll work... we'll see.) It is quite fun to see the yard take shape considering what it looked like when we moved in 5 years ago. I can't find any "before" pictures, because the whole left side of the yard wasn't really picture worthy.

Peas coming up. I netted them this time,
hoping to not have to tie them as much as I did last year.

The veggie beds, just starting up. So far I've planted carrots, radishes, broccoli, lettuce, beets, cilantro, and pak choy. There are some cosmo seeds starting up from last year's plants too!

Here' the new tomato supprt in an area of the yard that wasn't totally used before. New planting space! Yeah! Hoping to plant tomatoes along the support, then peppers and flowers around the edge.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pictures, finally!

I promised to post pictures a long time ago, so here they are finally. We're just plugging along these days, in a good way. Gavin had his first full dry, big kid pant day. Graeme is now trying to negotiate for more snacks ("Two! Two!"). Craig is enjoying the hockey play offs (though maybe not the last Canucks game). I am catching up on yoga homework and marveling that the program is almost over (anyone need a yoga instructor?). I also had a great bike ride tonight, which felt really good... just at St. Edwards park. Not too much new. Here are the pictures... more from the garden will come later.

Our first day in Melbourne, with Jennifer at Federation Square.

Second day: wine tasting in the Yarra Valley.

The Queen Victoria Market was amazing!
... and you usually don't see this at home!

View of Melbourne from the Sofitel Hotel, where our friends got married.
Great spot! It was gorgeous!

This is at Movida, a tapas bar.
But the food the entire time was fantastic.
Total foodie vacation!

One of my favorite things was all the eucalyptus trees.
They remind me of home, and they just look crazy cool.

Back home with the new bubble machine!
"Bubble, POP!"

Watch out world! I'm three years old now!
And I could probably knock your eye out with my birthday hat!