Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What's new?

Well, the best laid plans... I've been meaning to write a ton and constantly think of cute things that the boys are doing, but haven't obviously been writing. So, here (again) is a short update.

1) Gavin is turning into quite the polite big boy, unless he isn't of course. Most of the time he still snuggles with his trucks and will play forever with them. He gives Graeme a hug and kiss if (by stealing a car or toy away) he happens to make Graeme cry. They usually (well, at least sometimes) end up laughing. It makes me smile that they like each other.

2) Graeme is growing into a little boy too... and still likes to give "Mime out!" to mummy and Gavin (followed by a huge smile). And he still will do or say anything his big brother does or says. There is even a song from the truck video that they watch and you can hear Graeme singing it. I'm probably the only one who would catch it, but he certainly tries! He loves singing. He also has been more of a snuggler lately... "Mummy nuggle!" "Daddy nuggle!" And, if I'm at the computer, he'll come over and hook his little arm around mine and pull me away... all the while giving me a look that say, "you should be playing with me!"

The other day, actually, I accidentally squirted a Go-gurt on him when I was trying to help him get the rest out. He was not amused and gave me a look that just melted my heart! So full of emotion - he was really hurt. But I hopefully made it all better and he won't b scarred for life. (He's got the looks though! He certainly knows what he wants to express!)

3) We are remodeling our bathroom, which is to say that Craig is doing all the work. We might help by picking things out. A little leak turned into (surprise) more than just a little leak, so we figured we might as well redo the whole thing since we've known we've needed to for a while.

4) I taught a small yoga class in my backyard with friends tonight, which was quite fun. I'm getting practice as part of a mentoring program with the YMCA so I can teach there. It is great practice and I'm very excited to teach more.

5) The garden is doing well! We've had broccoli, peas, and loads of lettuce. Pretty much anyone who comes over to our house goes home with some lettuce. The tomatoes are doing well and the cucumbers are growing, but not as fast as I'd like. Graeme likes to pull out the tiny potted peppers (which get replanted for him to pick again the next day). Gavin likes to pick carrots and eat them in the yard. They are just getting big enough to be eaten in more than just one bite! Today he said, "Look Graeme, at the carrots I just puck! I puck some carrots!" So excited and so sweet. Oh, and we all ate a bunch of super yummy strawberries this morning. Red all the way through. Yum! (In fact, an offer to pick strawberries was the only thing that worked to pry Gavin away from the trucks to come outside.)

6) Otherwise, we are happy and tired and, most likely, trying to do too much. But that's what summer (and parenthood) are for, right?

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