Saturday, November 13, 2010

Family Picture Day

We haven't had any family pictures taken since Graeme was 6 months old. So, today is the day. We've rescheduled once already due to a runny nose and a scratch on the eye. I realize now that we will never have family pictures taken again if I wait until there are no scratches or sniffles or bruises. Today's pictures will be a window into our current family status... the scratch on the eye is gone (Gavin), but has been replaced by a bruise (on the other eye) and the runny nose still lingers (Graeme) even worse than last week.

That's a pretty good start! Couple that with a late bedtime and an early wake up call - these are going to be sweet. All around fun day! I think Craig is the most excited.

I will bring fruit snacks and candy. And lots of tissue.

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