Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Preview

This weekend I made my first cheesecake ever! (Maybe the last considering what actually goes into a cheesecake.) The initial prompt to do it was to donate a cake to the YMCA cake walk at their Halloween Carnival. Gavin picked out the cake design online and, since the boys are spiders for Halloween this year, it seemed fitting. However, since Craig's brother Collin and Cristina were visiting this weekend, we ended up eating it (with full intention of baking another, different cake to donate, which didn't happen).

But, the cake was massive, so we only made a tiny dent. I cut up the rest of it and pawned it off on three different neighbors. Maybe they ate it, maybe they didn't, but at least I didn't have to throw it all away!

Then, tonight we ventured out to the Halloween Carnival... which was a total mad house. We stayed long enough to do the cake walk (didn't win) and get a lollipop for the boys. It was enough for them though too, since they are not old enough to understand the concept of waiting in line for anything. It was a good test run for the costumes... they need a few adjustments. ;)


  1. these are cute costumes! where did you get them/make them?

  2. I made them... which means that there is lots of refining that won't get done. But, it will be dark, right? ;)
