Monday, March 14, 2011

A New Experience

The boys and I went to the theater today with some friends up in Everett.  It was a production of Swimmy, Frederick, and Inch by Inch from Leo Lionni.  Essentially, three short puppet shows with cool shadow graphics.

Much to my surprise, the boys did quite well.  It was the perfect venue really for their first experiment going to the theater (or anywhere you'd be required to sit and be quiet for long periods of time).  There were mostly school kids from field trips in the rest of the audience, so occasional squirming and overly loud comments were generally excused.  The young boy in front of us did, however, find us annoying whatever we did... but then he was annoying me by fidgeting around the whole time - even if he was quite.  (So there!)

Gavin was as quite as Frederick the mouse the whole time, but Graeme was a little more vocal.  During the first play, Swimmy the little fish meets all sorts of new sea creatures in his journey.  Graeme thought the first creature was an octopus, even though it was a jelly fish.  Easy mistake.  For the rest of the show, however, he kept saying: "Now here comes the octopus!"  The volume varied, but he was pretty loud at one point... so, of course, my first reaction was to say "shhhh!" and cover his mouth with my hand.  This made him laugh and do it more.  Luckily, this was toward the end of Swimmy's adventures and the play ended.  The little boy in front of us was not impressed.  It was quite cute really, as he was just enjoying the show and having fun.

After the three acts were over, the actors came out and took questions from the children.  At which point, Graeme says: "I have a question!"... (wait for it)... "Airplanes fly in the sky!"

Very cute, but not a question, and thankfully not loud enough for anyone to hear.

[Note: This is the 'question' he asks us every night before bed.  An upgrade from : "Cars drive on roads!"]

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