Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Synopsis in Pictures

Our life in pictures... for the last little while: 

Graeme throwing rocks into the water at Crescent Beach, White Rock, BC.

My misguided attempt at making play dough... 1) forgot to add the food coloring, so now we have blood color. 2) trying to make purple resulted in poop color.  At least the boys don't care.

Gavin's nose after a trip on the sidewalk.  It healed well as he did a great job not touching it.

Sprouts on my laundry room windowsill.  They've grown more since this.
Hopefully they'll transplant well... when it stops raining and gets warmer. 
(It will stop raining and get warmer, right??)

Our backyard... er... BMX park.  
Plays structures in the background are gone now though (yeah!).

Super find.  New shoes, match both my coats.  VV boutique: $8
Had to post.  Now somewhere to wear them...

 Gavin in an old train in Vancouver, BC.  
Graeme is in there too, but he's too short to reach the window.

 For some reason, I love close pictures of my kids' faces.

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