Thursday, April 7, 2011

Updated BMX Track

Someone requested that I post an updated picture of our backyard BMX track.  This looks a little better, but there's still been more shaping done since this picture.  Good to keep the boys busy.  All three. 

You'll maybe notice that the plastic monsters are gone out of the play pit.  Yeah!  I was happy to see these go.  (If you don't remember the beauties of which I speak, one was a plastic climbing structure now too small for the boys.  The other was a dump truck with pool-like truck bed.  The boys liked this, but the problem was we get so much rain, it was just standing gross water.  It was like a venus fly trap of toys that attracted kids, got them soaked, and then returned them too cold to want to play outside anymore.)

Graeme may have shed a tear when he saw them go, but no one misses them.  And it has made me a happier person to have it in someone else's yard.  (Not that I'm saying our yard is, um, beautiful by conventional standards...)  I've realized that trying to plant anything on the BMX side is futile, so all the planting will be on the garden side.  Actually, there was one lone hot pink hyacinth along the trail that bloomed a few days ago.  He survived the restructuring.  But, today, I very proud Gavin brought it to me in his hand as a gift.  So now it is in our kitchen in a vase.  Maybe next year his life will be longer... or maybe I'll move him to safety.

And, just so no one worries, the other half of the yard (not pictured) will hopefully - if the weather improves - turn into a garden again this summer.  I've got a few sprouts growing, but they are having to fight cold temps, moss, and slugs to survive.

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