Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gavin's First Trophy

This weekend was the first weekend we've had at home as a family for a very long time.  It was refreshing to do a little yard work, finish house projects, and take a nap on the couch.  Even if it was only 10 minutes.  (Gavin woke me up with a very sweet kiss on the cheek.  And then a dog lick.)

We decided it would be fun to try something new: BMX biking.  Graeme is still too young, which was hard for him to take, but Gavin is right about the age where kids can start racing.  Even though we were unprepared in terms of gear, Gavin had fun and did fairly well.  Craig helped him at the gate, and then the rest of the crew along the track cheered him on. (Gavin is in the yellow-orange shirt second from left.)

"Keeping pedaling!" everyone kept cheering to their respective kids, but Gavin couldn't pedal any faster! The bike we have for him maxed out and his little legs were spinning as fast as they could.  All the kids had race bikes and BMX outfits, so Gavin was clearly the newbie.  And, for his first race, he got a trophy.

(He's wearing my full face helmet, by the way.)

Gavin loves his new trophy.  Even though it says he got 3rd place in a race in Port Angeles.  (Not where we were.)  And Graeme wants one.  More incentive for him to start riding a pedal bike.  (Now if those legs would just grow faster!)   

(OCD note:  My first thought about the trophy?  If we get into this where am I going to house all the trophies?  They were pretty big... and if you race every weekend... there's not that many young kids.  Chances are you'd come away with a trophy.  Eek.  Organizational nightmare!)  

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