Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Family Endeavor

Since they see Craig practicing his swing everyday, Gavin and Graeme developed an interest in golf.  And I did to.  They boys are ready to try anything new, as long as its fun.  My interest stems from two things 1) everyone in our family pretty much knows how to play, and 2) if you don't know how to play, you get to babysit the kids while everyone else plays.  (For the record, I've done that enough.)  So, off we went to the driving range. 

The boys are really cute (imagine that) at the course, and they do a pretty good job being quiet.  Well, ok, maybe not that good of a job.  But it is usually not so busy when we go, and it is a more casual place.  Craig has taken Gavin a few times on his own, so he can actually hit the ball.  He needs to slow down a little, though, as he just wants to whack it as hard as he can.  Just to show you how serious Gavin is about golf, check out his comment to Craig: "Daddy, can you hold my seed pod while I hit the ball?"  (We had picked up a maple tree seed pod on our way to the golf course.)  But, you know, that shows he's really got to focus. 

Graeme, on the other hand, hits a few balls here and there.  He is more interested in exploring the scene.  What's under this mat?  What are these things?  How many buckets can I stack up?  How many balls can I collect from the grass before - why are you yelling at me? (As he's wandered out into the range.)  Hey, look, there's a bug?  (That gets Gavin's attention still too.)  At one point, Graeme took the balls he'd been allotted and began to plunk them into a small garbage can. 

Craig:  Graeme, don't do that!  That's a garbage can.

Graeme (sing song voice): Why is it a garbage can? 

It might be a while before Graeme feels the need to focus on his swing.

In any case, we have a new family endeavor.  It's pretty fun and I can see where, if you were any good, it would be addicting.  I'm not addicted yet, however.  I hit a few good shots that went straight, but it all feels quite awkward to me at this point.  More practice.

1 comment:

  1. If you are interested I know if this really great book about golf for wommen, it's called "From the Red Tees". The author is Celeste Palermo, maybe you have heard of her? Anyway I have a copy, signed by the auther so it is very precious to me but I'll loan it to you if you would like to read it:) :)
