Monday, May 21, 2012

Even though it was pouring today...

With a week of sun, the garden got its jump start!  The sunflowers tower over the rest of the fledgling plant already, and the hodge-podge of herbs that seem to be growing are (I think) scaring some of the slugs away (dill, parsley, cilantro).  The boys and I did, however, harvest a whole swim team of slugs and snails from the front and back yard.  They are still swimming in beer by our back door.  Gavin fed them a radish.  Forever hopeful.  (They want pets so badly.)

We harvested salad greens tonight, which is the most exciting thing ever!  And yummy french breakfast radishes.  Everything else sprouts and grows with whatever sunlight it can glean from the clouds.  The tomatoes are doing marginally well; I always doubt their ability to produce soon enough and buy some plants anyway.  We'll see if I can restrain myself and have confidence in my green thumb.

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