Thursday, October 4, 2012

It takes some time...

The first few days of Kindergarten were challenging.  Gavin didn't quite realize the importance of actually doing what the teacher is asking you to do. 

He didn't feel like counting to 100... until the teacher said it was the last day before the glittery letters went up on the wall for the "100 Club".  Suddenly, it was easy. 

He didn't feel like playing in PE (freeze tag isn't his favorite apparently), so he hid under the table.  Then he realized he wouldn't get picked for teams from that station.  Now he's more engaging.

He didn't feel like coming in for recess - there were still construction trucks to watch after all.  (As they were doing finishing touches to the school and field.)  Now he's first in line.

He didn't feel like participating in Music, so he just laid down.  The teacher let him "nap" off to the side.

And this was just the first two days!  Craig and I were worried.

Luckily, after a few weeks, he's acclimated.  He follows the rules now.  The other kids seem to like him as a few yell, "Gavin!" as he arrives in the morning.  He gets hugs from one of the girls, and one little boy even gave him a hug and then turned to me and said, "I love this guy!"  He earned the class pet, BoBo the Monkey, to take home for the night.

Turns out, he IS a pretty sweet kid.   And he is just 5 after all.

1 comment:

  1. He sounds "all boy" to me: Why ask for directions or read instructions when it's more fun and challenging to just figure it out on your own? Making up one's own rules is way more fun than following ones that seem (initially) boring. (Especially for a "first" child with a leadership bent.) There's a lot of creativity and curiosity behind the urge to see how far the "boundries" can be pushed. Absolutely all boy! Sweet, lovable boy!!!!
