Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What's up my sleeves?

You are busy, especially this time of year.  So you may not have noticed my absence.  But I notice.  And here's the reason: I've been cheating on my blog.  Lately I've been devoting my extra brain space to developing my yoga and life coaching business.  My mission is to bring wellness, joy, and radiance to women who want to enjoy their beautiful lives, but who - right now - haven't got the space to catch their breath.  Creating space in your life for YOU can take a little work, and I want to help. 

If you haven't seen it already, I've created a Facebook page for Cara Maclean Yoga:

It would be lovely (and I would really appreciate it) if you would "like" my page and share it with women who you think might like it as well.  So far I've been posting links to useful articles on yoga and wellness.  In the future, hopefully soon, I'll have some yoga videos too, so you can get your move on too!

So, get in on the biz side of my life while I'm just starting out, then you'll be helping me immensely and getting some zen for yourself.  My goal is to launch a proper website in January, so please send me good technology vibes too!  I'll need them.  Thank you for your support!

(And, yes, I do realize I don't have any "sleeves" in this picture, but you get what I mean.)

I'm Thankful For...

Well, this is a first.  Listening to the boys play together this afternoon, I'm hearing the words "Star Wars, rocket ship, and war."  Hmmm... (insert grumpy face)... still fairly benign, thankfully, but it might be a sign that they are, in fact, little boys who may not always be content learning names of plants and flowers.  In any case, we've had a lovely last few months even though I've neglected (yet again) to post anything.

If you're celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, I wish you a day (and a lifetime) full of gratitude for who you are, what you bring to the world, and everything that graces your life.  Here's a peek into what I'm grateful for this year.

Creative kiddos in cozy jams.

That Gavin is beginning to smile like a normal human in pictures.

That one day I will get a picture of the front of Graeme's face.  Someday.

My lovely sister and our family.  Kids rockin' it out in the tube.

Getting cousins together.  And, again, almost the front of Graeme's face.

Train diversions on our long road trip home from Utah.  (Thank you to Mom and Dad for hosting all of us!!)  And that the boys were SO excite by two little train erasers, below, that it bought us an hour or so of content quiet time in the car while they played.

Overall, Fall has been wonderful.  Gavin's enjoying school and I've got the boys in swimming and ice skating again.  (Pictures coming.)  There are so many things and people and lessons to be grateful for... so much so that I bought myself a new gratitude journal today.  This, however, begs the question: when does one retire a journal?  I've got a few and can never seem to let them go unless they are complete.  Not a bad addiction I suppose.  Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy!