Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just the beginning...

Ok, game on! I got a big envelope of seeds today. And, as excited as I am, I must admit that I'm way over my head! I bought SO much stuff, much of which has to be started early... and it's a little late for that. But whatever, it's all for fun, right? I'll probably end up buying some tomato and pepper plants, but what fun if my seedlings actually produce as they kind of did last year. Most likely, I'll run into the same problem, where the plants do alright, but don't get time to fully mature before the weather gets too cold.

In any case, I thought I'd share what I bought... mostly from Baker Creek Seeds, but two from the Chocolate Flower Farm (on Whidbey Island).

Chocolate Flower Farm: Chocolate Mini-bell pepper, chocolate nasturstiums

Baker Creek Seeds:
Old Homestead Bean
Purple Podded Pole Bean
Cosmic Purple Carrot
Delikatesse Cucumber
Marketmore 76 Cucumber
Mexican Sour Gherkin Cucumber
Di Firenze Fennel
Ground Cherry
Extra Dwarf Pak Choy
Wild Rocket Arugula
Strawberry Cabbage Lettuce
Tom Thumb Lettuce
Bianca di Maggio Onion
De Grace Snow Pea
Red Belgian Pepper
Tequila Sunrise Pepper
Long Scarlet Radish
Scallop Squash
Zucchini, Table Dainty
Black Cherry Tomato
Amish Paste Tomato
Picnic Watermelon
Basil - Genovese
Basil - Lettuce Leaf
Harlequin Marigold
Red Drummond Phlox
4 kinds of sunflower
2 kinds of zinnias

And, I've already planted snow peas and snap peas, a little lettuce, some broccoli, and 2 kinds of radishes. Plus, I bought mixed nasturtiums, and more lettuce... if you can't find me during the summer, I'll probably be working in the backyard. We are going to set up a better watering system this year, so it doesn't take an hour to water everything everyday.

If you have a birthday during the summer, you'll probably get some produce. And if you have a birthday later in the year, you'll probably get pickled produce. Just thought I should let you know ahead of time. Hee, hee.

Oh, and another note, I bought 2 small and one large pest nests to cover the veggie beds and the kids gravel pit to keep the umpteen neighborhood cats from pooping in our yard. As Gavin said to me today: "Mummy, you need to check for cat poop. It's your job."

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