Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hey, Taco Time!

Now that Gavin can read, he's apparently quite fond of Taco Time.  He sees it everywhere we go - around town or on freeway exit signs - and he always wants to go.  We never do, and he's never been there before.  He can figure out, however, that they have tacos there.  And he likes tacos.

I'm learning things can get a little trickier once your children learn to read.  We passed an ice cream shop twice today, and it didn't escape him.  Again, we didn't go... but sheesh... I didn't think about this aspect of reading.

But, just so you know he's not entirely motived by junk food, his new favorite food is purple cabbage.  We had some in salad the other night and Craig made him try at least one bite before he said he didn't like it.  Now, it's a favorite - even rivals shrimp (or so he says) as the best ever.  He's gobbled it up everyday since, and has tried to feed it to Graeme (who's not so enamored).

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