Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Buds and Tomato Surprises

 After a wonderful day in the yard, I thought I'd post some images of what is growing so far.  Even though the weather has been cold and wet, most things are still hanging in there and doing quite well.

Here is the flower/herb garden, which so far really only has chives blooming.  We've got lots of strawberries in the patch to the left (you can only see the start)!  If I can keep the bugs away, then we should have lots to pick!

Since I started a lot indoors this year (and lots survived), I've got a lot of little tomato plants.  I've forgotten what survived and what didn't, so I really have no idea what will turn up if each of them actually produces.  We've got at least 20 plants.  One already has little buds on it though!  That made my day!

This made my day too... pea blossoms finally!  I have a bunch along the fence that haven't started blooming yet, but these have... yeah!  And, again, I forget what kind of peas these are as I planted a few different kinds.  It's hard to keep track of what's being planted when you have helpers that are 2 and 4 years old.

The first baby zucchini!  It looks like someone already took a little bit of it, so I'll have to keep tabs... Or, really, no one in my family will care if the bugs eat it, because they won't.  Unless it's mixed with chocolate.

While I was snapping pictures, I figured I'd show you what the ants have done to my radishes.  Sure, the slugs may have helped a bit, but this is ant damage.  All the way!  (And they destroyed that broccoli plant I mentioned. Not even worth taking a picture.)

I did go ahead and buy three tomato plants, because I didn't really know if mine would survive and/or produce if they did.  This is what they looked like now. Hopefully the sacks will hold up for the season and not topple over if the plants get too big.

In the end, lots of surprises for the season ahead.  And, if we get some sun this summer, we should have lots of fun veggies to pick.  (I'll plant beans this week too... for later in the season.)

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