Friday, June 3, 2011

Never Too Old

As I was driving away from the park today with the boys, I saw something I've never seen.  And I was impressed, even a little inspired.  An older man, probably mid 60's judging from the crown of white hair, was trying to learn to skateboard.  In a business suit.  He was clearly learning, because now that I frequent BMX and skate parks, I could see he certainly didn't have the skills.  (Never been on a skateboard, but I'm a total expert.)

Was it an attempt to relate to teenage son or daughter?  Maybe a crazy corporate training exercise or something?  In any case, kudos to that guy.  It was a good reminder to get over myself (yourself) and move forward.  What ever dreams or hobbies you loved when you were a kid and let go.  Or maybe dreams you had as a kid (or adult for that matter), but never followed or pursued.

Go get that skateboard and hop on... metaphorically, of course.  (As I'm not actually a fan of skateboarding.)

Maybe get that drum set.

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