Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From Warrior to Goddess

On Saturday Craig and I conquered the Warrior Dash in North Bend.  


We had a group of friends who all ran together - though we decided right as the race was starting that we wouldn't actually try to stay together the whole time.  I never really thought I was competitive, but it is kind of fun to see how fast you can finish (60th in my age group = not too shabby).  The obstacles in the course were the scary part going into the race - as you don't really know what to expect the first time - but the running part was what slowed me down.  Maybe I should have run a little more before the race?  Hmmm... maybe I'll try that next year.   Craig and I have discussed that if we actually trained for races, we could do pretty good.  Craig's idea of "pretty good" is to win the race.  (He came in 36th out of 9600 people on Saturday, but came in second out of our heat.)

In anticipation of being sore from this run, I scheduled a spa evening at Amai Day Spa that I got through Groupon.  (http://www.amaidayspa.com/)   It was fabulous: facial, body scrub, massage, and scalp massage.  I went from Warrior to Goddess!  (And was thinking I could do both more often.)  I've never gone to a spa to have multiple services at one time, and I felt truly pampered.  I dare say that I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Both totally recommended!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sweet Words

Today I let the boys play on the computer for a while.  It was sort of cloudy and drippy outside, and they haven't played in a long time.  (Graeme never really gets to play, he only watches at this point.)  Both boys were perched on the computer bench as I puttered around doing laundry and whatnot.  (Read: fighting the urge to take a nap.)

As a load of bedding finished up in the dryer, I took a warm blanket out and wrapped up both boys at their perch.  They snuggled in and giggled a little.  Cute enough, right?  Then as I walked away, I heard Graeme say, "I love you, Gavin!" to which Gavin responded, "I love you too!"

And melt heart.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bike Camp Adventures!

 After a few months on the waiting list, a lucky break landed Gavin in his first bike camp last week.  The camp was for kids ages 4 - 6.  Once we got there, it seemed like there were older kids too.  (Someone confirmed that the age went up to 8 years old.)  Gavin pretty small in comparison.  Probably the smallest kid there...

...but one of the fastest!  

After the first day, all the teachers seemed quite surprised at how fast Gavin was for such a  little guy.  The second day, as I left, it looked like Gavin got put in the big kid group.  
With the 8 year old kids.  

That didn't last too long I don't think.  
He is, after all, 4 and not versed in how to sit and listen or follow directions consistently.

Unfortunately, I don't have a ton of pictures as Graeme and I usually left for the duration.  But, there was a photographer shooting some pics (his kid was in the class too).  So, here's the link.  There are some pretty cute ones of Gavin if you take the time to look through them!  (If you click on All Photos, then go to Day One of Wheelie Fun Camp there are more of Gavin on day one.)

Graeme and I went to lunch and play with my friend Robin and Owen, who is the same age as Graeme.  
(His big brother Erik was in Bike Camp too.)

I just thought these were cute.  There was a Mater and a Lightening... and Graeme kept trying to chase both down and hitch Lightening up to the Mater truck.  The other kids weren't very excited about that, but it was funny to watch.  Actually, having some one-on-one time with Graeme was very cool.
He's a sweet little dude.

Progress in the Garden

After finally getting some sunshine here, my garden is getting a little out of hand!  Happily growing everyday, the plants need tying up or pruning all the time.  I do a little work, and then the next day it seems like I need to do it all over again!  (Kind of like housework, but more fun!)

The tomatoes, above, are the biggest plants I've got as they were store bought.  All have tomatoes on them already, though the short Roma on the end I was a little worried about.  It seems to have a few after this weekend.

This is the rest of the garden.  You can't really tell what's what, but everything is just getting bigger and bigger.  We'll see if I'm able to contain it or at least minimize the craziness!  Most of the tomato plants have at least a few little tomatoes starting, and lots of buds to follow.  And we finally have cucumber plants beginning to take shape.  The nasty slugs kept eating the sprouts, so I crushed up some egg shells and sprinkled them around the cucumber sprouts.  Seems to have worked so far, as they still look chomp-free.

We've given lettuce and peas to friends because there is no way we can eat it all.  We've enjoyed raspberries freshly picked - the boys' favorite - and strawberries.  We've got a few blueberries that just need to turn blue, and I've been able to cut flowers and bring them inside too.  It makes me smile to see everything grow and develop day by day.  And I love watching the boys pick peas or carrots or anything really!  They're so proud of themselves, in kind of a mischievous way.  Love it!

Ode to Oroville

 On the way to Oroville, WA for camping... the madness continues!  
We had a fabulous trip with lots of friends and tons of kids... who all had bikes!  As soon as we arrived, Graeme put on his helmet and disappeared.  
Before I noticed (in the span of maybe two minutes), he'd made his way across the campsite, through the parking lot, taken his helmet off, and was headed toward the beach.  Both boys are getting better about following the rules with their bikes, but we had to keep pretty close watch on the little one.

It was a 5+ hour car ride and the boys were wonderful!  
At one point, we asked Gavin how he was and he responded: "I'm just enjoying the great car ride!"

I just love this picture of Graeme! 

Snack time after a little adventure to Blue Lake!

Dare we go in?  
Alas, neither of them spent much time in the lake.  Graeme's favorite water spot was the shower/foot wash with its own murky, sandy puddle.  Who needs a beach and beautiful lake?  

Snapshots of San Diego

In June, the boys and I went to San Diego to visit my parents while Craig was on his golf trip.  Peyton and Morgan came out to visit too, so the cousins (and I) had some fun play time together.  And we got some time with Celeste too, though I don't have any pictures of that yet.

This is what "summer" looked like for us before we left: 

Hopeful swim trunks, water shoes, and necessary rain jacket.  Warmish, but still rainy.

 Ahhh... the beach.  The boys loved the sand, water, crabs, and chasing the seagulls (Graeme especially).

We also ended up going to Disneyland (thank you Lora!) and the boys had fun there too.  It was the craziest I've ever seen Disneyland, though I haven't been there in ages.  My mom, my friend Lora, and I had 7 kids between us.  I'm pretty sure my mom spent the day counting to seven to make sure everyone was still with us.  Hopefully she had a little bit of fun too!  The boys' favorite was Autopia... but it was hard to get great pictures of them as they weren't the smoothest of drivers.

Mandatory picture in front of Cinderella's castle.  Gavin was sitting on the curb just beside us.  A little grumpy.  He hadn't seen Mickey yet: "Where's Mickey?  I want to see Mickey Mouse!"  I hadn't realized how little you actually see of Mickey once you get past the front entrance.

Finally!  We went to Mickey's house and it made Gavin's day.  Graeme and Mitchell loved it too.  And everyone in the line behind us ooh'd and aah'd because these three were so freakin' cute.  When they left, Graeme said: "Thank you Mickey!  Have a nice day!" 

Next up, Legoland.  Even though they liked Disneyland, Legoland was pretty much made for them.  We didn't even get through a third of the park and they loved everything!  

Graeme waiting in line with Mummy.  
(He was lucky to be just tall enough to go on the car ride!)

Checking out the dinosaurs.  

Graeme played in the little water fountain for almost two hours.  Everyone else went off to drive the cars, and I just watched him.  Other kids came and went, but Graeme was completely content.  He'd jump on the little round pad and a circle of water would shoot up.  He'd yell:  "My lucky water came back!" and then run through it around in a circle.  Pure joy.  
And a very soggy diaper.

Another favorite... the train!  
Particularly special with cool big kid cousins Pey and Mo!

And one last snuggle before we had to go home.  
I actually think Graeme is driving Mater (his new race Mater from Disneyland no less) on Morgan's back.