Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Settling into Fall, Finally

Some how it is nearly Thanksgiving and I haven't posted anything yet in November!  Yikes!  So, here's the quick version highlights...

1) Best Parent Trick Ever

When Gavin and Graeme go to bed, if they are not quite ready to go to sleep, they have "the sneaky light".  The LED book light snuggles with them as Gavin reads stories to Graeme.  Last night they read four stories.  Then, when they get tired, they set the books under the bed, place the light outside their door, and go to sleep.  Craig and I are wondering how this became a sneaky treat, and hoping it doesn't prove to be a problem later.  But right now it is fantastic!

2) Gavin's Got a Job

We frequent the Everett Imagine Children's Museum and Gavin LOVES their construction zone.  In fact, he says most every morning: "Mummy, I've got to go to work today!  there are lots of cars to be built and fixed.  We'd better get going or I'm going to be late.... but I don't need to go Saturday or Sunday."

3) Excitement Happens Here

I'm watching a show about a guy raising turkeys.  And Graeme is watching it now too (sneaky light didn't work so well tonight... I jinxed myself).  It was cute when the turkeys were hatching from their eggs, but now a snake ate one and Graeme got a little sad.  He's our naturalist for sure.

4) Pleasure in Simple Skills

Graeme can now, most of the time, put on socks.  He creates the cutest little giggle when he's successful.  The pure joy is priceless.

5) Getting Used to Our Routine

Now that I'm teaching yoga every weekday morning going to bed early is more important.  It took a while to get used to the change, but we're finally settling in.  I think with the time change, darkness, and cold weather any little change makes a bigger impact.  Not sure why.  We'll call it the cycle of seasons rather than getting older.  It is helpful, though, that the boys are becoming more independent.  They will (hoping I don't jinx myself again) follow directions, help out around the house, and clean up their toys.  They're aren't doing their own laundry yet or anything - and it takes constant reminders and incentive, but it happens.  For that I am thankful.
I'm thankful for a great deal, actually.

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