Thursday, October 27, 2011

This just in...

I'm beginning to think that Craig and I are depriving our kids of the joys to be had by having a pet.  Just now, Graeme found a pincher bug in the bathroom (I have no idea how though, because my house is spotless).  He was very excited and brought Craig to take a look.  Gavin was checking it out too...

Graeme: See?  He is a pincher bug!
Gavin: He's our pet.
Craig: I think he's dead.
Graeme: He's our dead pet.

Then I burst into laughter.  Maybe it is all boys, or all kids, but our little guys love bugs.  We have had a host of "pets" from this pincher to snails, slugs, rollie-pollie bugs, even a centipede that bit Graeme's finger.  Oh, and the aforementioned ladybug.  So, maybe they are just fine and don't need a proper, socially sanctioned "pet" that normal families have.  Our boys seem happy nonetheless.  And, you know what, we visited our neighbor today who - bless her heart - has three Springer Spaniels (two still puppies).  It made me pretty grateful for the bugs.  Most are slow moving, easily disposable, and they don't eat poo.  (Or, well, maybe technically they might, but they don't then jump up and lick your face.)

1 comment:

  1. The bugs usually ride in on the flowers from the garden. At least they hide in the roses I bring into the house.
