Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Should Write About That...

So far this month, I've compiled a long list of things I should write about... yet I've not written a word.  This is how I imagine December goes for most busy people.  And I'm not really even that busy.  In order to continue with the trend of short synopses, here are our activities of late, funnies from the boys, etc.

1) We bought a new camera.  A major purchase which will (hopefully) create better pictures of our lives for keepsake purposes, but also make my blog look a little better too.  Now, to figure out how to use said camera and all it's features...

2) I've noticed that Gavin answers anything I say to him with: "No!" or "But"... and then proceeds to negotiate what he wants to do in any given situation.  Hmmm... not so good for me as it ends up in a debate.  However, I see my own culpability as I answer him in similar fashion.

3) The boys and I bought/gathered supplies to make bird feeders about 6 months ago, and FINALLY made them!  Instead of Christmas lights in our tree, we have peanut butter - pine cone bird feeders.  I halted the project because shortly after gathering the ingredients, I walked out the door to meet a cute family of three raccoons in our driveway.  Could they like peanut butter and bird seed?  I wasn't sure, so we didn't make them.  Now, however, I figured it was cold enough that they'd stay away.  And, this morning, to our delight, we saw a bunch of cute little birds and even a woodpecker in our front tree.  (Note: no birds in this picture as they flew away when I came outside.)

4) Graeme hides things.  I've heard stories of kids that stuff food or other objects into weird places.  I think Graeme is one of those kids.  So far (as far as I know), he's only stuffed socks into the pillows of the couch or trucks under his mattress.  Let's hope it stops there.  His logic?  Why go all the way to the hamper when I can stuff my socks right here and no one will see them?

5) My two new favorite cooking techniques?  I thought you'd never ask.  a)  Roasting.  If only because it's super easy and makes everything taste better.  Even over done Brussels sprout chips (for the record, not intended to be chips).  b) Quiche.  I'd always thought of quiche as something fancy.  But, seriously, easiest thing ever to throw together in a pinch with whatever meat/veggies you have on hand.  And the boys eat it.

6) My favorite thing that Graeme says right now:  "Ya Member!"  As in, "Hey Mummy!  I love peanut butter, ya member!"

7)  Instead of having imaginary friends as such, my children have befriended all of their letters and cars/trucks.  I've noted in previous posts that they like mixed nuts, but Gavin informed me today in the grocery store of all the other snacks they would enjoy.  They also wrote letters to Santa.  Apparently they are asking for a roundabout on which to drive and race.  I told Gavin that, with all the kids in the world, their trucks and letters might be lower priority, but maybe Santa will be able to take care of their requests as well.  And, oh yeah, he's hung some stockings for them too.

8) Gavin and Graeme took a holiday cooking class in which they learned how to make every recipe of questionable to absurdly sweet nature.  For example, fruity pebble wreaths with fruit roll topping.  Seriously?  I can totally understand as the teacher's audience was eight 3-5 year old children - consisting of 6 boys and 2 girls.  It's not like you're going to attempt the perfect pie crust.  Needless to say, they enjoyed it.  Graeme got put in time out the first day for screaming (happily), and then every class after he'd say: "I was very quiet today."  I enjoyed it as I wasn't there.  And that was the whole idea.

9) Tonight we played Monopoly with the boys.  A little ambitious, I admit.  They did quite well though, and Craig and I realized how much you can actually learn from playing that game!  It is the set that Celeste and I played with when we were kids, so that's kind of fun.  Graeme had a stroke of bad luck as every turn he landed on someone else's property and had to pay - even being the player with the least idea of what was actually going on.  In order to not scar him for life, or have them up till midnight, we ended the game early and put them to bed.

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