Sunday, January 22, 2012

As the snow melts...

As the snow melted over the weekend, we found a few exciting things.  First, a trail to follow.   
Big paw prints in the snow, which lead to:

 "I found a heart!" Graeme exclaimed.  
Gavin and I hadn't seen it as we followed the trail.  
Just a little reminder that love is everywhere.  
Barf, I know.  But still cute.

And then he found a letter: "P" 
It's backwards, so maybe it is really a lower case "b," but who can be picky when you're finding letters in the snow.

After that, we found a little glimmer of hope.  Springtime might just come pretty quick.  I'd forgotten about planting new bulbs in the front yard and they were a fun surprise.  Now if I can keep the boys from stomping on all of them unawares...

...I also received the seeds I ordered for the Spring/Summer garden!  Very exciting!  I got three new types of tomato seeds and new types of cucumbers.  When we start planting indoors, I'll write more about what we're planting and how helpful the boys might be.  They are enthusiastic, so we'll see if that translates to actual productivity.  Because, you know, that's what little boys are known for, for sure.

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