Friday, January 27, 2012

Language Lessons

Since the boys aren't in school yet, they have been delightfully sheltered from colorful language.  I think they believe "stupid" to be the worst word possible.  And I'm pretty happy about that.  Yesterday, though, I got a glimmer of what is to come when they start school and get exposed to older kids or their friends who have older siblings.

We were in the car, just pulling into a parking spot, and I hear Graeme say: "What out house hole."  Excuse me?  What was that?  He says it again with a mischievous smile.  I resist the urge to correct him; instead, we have a little conversation about polite words and tone of voice.

But this is a sign that our little world is changing.  I love that they are still little enough to be clueless about mean words and not-so-nice people.  School might be a rude awakening.  For now, we are doing our best to make sure they aren't the ones using the mean words.If anything, we have a new code word.  Don't a be "house hole."

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