Monday, March 26, 2012

Growing Appreciation

Tonight, I've had a revelation of sorts and had to share.  You see, I'm a person that likes things to be fairly tidy and put together.  In a perfect world, my home and car would always be clean and clutter-free.  Not so, however, day-to-day.  But I have come across a secret that I think, in my younger days, I may have dismissed as cheating or a less than optimal solution to one's problems.

We had people coming over last week and, in an effort to create a more cozy environment, I ran around cleaning up spots that had attracted piles of books and papers of various importance.  I knew what was in the piles, for the most part - no bills or anything.  My secret?  I put the pile, with all the guilt it embodies, in the back room!  Out of sight to be dealt with later.

Yes, I know this really isn't a secret as everyone does sometimes with things they mean to do when they have time.  But you know what?  I like it!  I'm growing to appreciate the virtues of well played procrastination.  Not that I'll make it a new habit or anything, as things get out of hand quickly.  My psyche, however, now approves of the quick fix.  No longer do I need to stare at the pile every night knowing I "should" be taking care of it.  It'll get done eventually.

Totally acceptable.

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