Thursday, April 25, 2013

is any body out there?

Man, I can't believe that its been half a year since I posted any pictures of my gorgeous children.  I mean, really, how are you all surviving??  (Oh, right, you have lives of your own.  ;)  I think once a task becomes too big - like, how can I recap 6 months in a cute, witty post? - then, I just don't want to do it at all.  Ever feel like that?

So, here goes.  I'll post pictures and use the excuse that I've been doing my best to just soak up the boys' sweetness, the sunshine when it arrives, and enjoy the moment.  The moments look like this... oh, and if you didn't get a holiday card from us, that's because none went out.  Hopefully next year I'll plan ahead.

Gavin's class pet, Bobo, went biking with us.  
Graeme has perfected his "cheese" smile.

Hike complete with walking stick and Jr. Ranger collecting vest.

Ice skating at Christmas... closest we got to a Christmas picture...

and then fun in Mexico, even though we got scolded for missing too much school.

And Gavin turns SIX!! 
I attempted a cupcake train cake, 
which looked great until Craig noted that the train was actually backward.  
Oh well, it still tasted good.

If you've made it this far, we love you.  You must really care about us!  
Other notable moments, Graeme started riding a pedal bike. Awesome! 
Both boys are still obsessed with trains.  A little less awesome, but manageable.
Craig's riding to work now most days.  And I'm still teaching yoga every morning.  
That's been our life for the last 6 months. 
We've enjoyed it, hope you did too.

Moving on to what's ahead... and he's running which is why you can't see his leg.


  1. Awesome family!! Your smiles are contageous! As is the energy.... and the love!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love you and the family. I particularly enjoy your honesty. Keep at it, these are the best years, of course somehow with children they are all the best years.
