Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day Fun

Is it really almost summer?  Tomorrow is the last day of Kindergarten for Gavin.  He'll be a first grader.  That's crazy.  He's quite excited for the lazy days of summer.  Mostly because he thinks he'll be able to play with his electric train the whole time.  We might mix in some other stuff too... like actually being outside!

This Father's Day we did a little train time with grandparents at Stewart Farm, White Rock, BC.  The boys loved it!  The G scale trains mesmerize, and give them too many ideas for train tracks and rails in our backyard.  Seriously, they could watch trains go round and round forever.  It is kind of fun and the steam engines are particularly impressive.

We also spent some time exploring Crescent Beach.  A great way to welcome better weather, though I realize I need to invest in new beach toys.  The cracked bucket I have from last year isn't going to cut it.  

"There's someone in there!"

Checking out the beached hermit crabs moving slowly in the sand.  
Graeme insisted on taking a few home.  
I'm afraid they didn't fair so well.

I think everyone is ready for a little more sunshine and beach time.  We'll have to clear out some space to hold the boys' collections of beach finds.  They are all, of course, "precious"!

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