Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Christmas Crossword

Of course, again, there is so much to write since I haven't written for so long. Where to begin? We had a fabulous Christmas up in Canada. My parents came up here, we piled into the suburban, and headed to Craig's mum's. We spent a few days with the Burke's and then drove to the his dad's on Christmas day for another fabulous visit. The hospitality and food were tremendous at both stops. We all had a lovely time. Gavin has asked to open presents everyday since we've been home.

One of my favorite parts of the Canadian Christmas tradition is the gigantic crossword that comes in the paper. It is so much fun. Everyone gets involved to some extent and it is a great way to endure family time. (Kidding, of course. I enjoy family time immensely.) I suppose it is not great, however, when your son's asking, "Mummy, come play with me!" and you try to hide in the crossword for a break. Grandparents are around, though, right??

Every moment of our trip was delightful and there is so much to write... but, alas, Bridget Jones is on and I'm afraid I'm a bit of a junkie for sappy romantic comedies.

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