Saturday, December 5, 2009

Will you unpack for me?

We've been back from our Thanksgiving trip for a few days now, and I still haven't unpacked. There have been lots of other things to do, but I can't fight the urge to complain that it is because I'm actually unpacking for three people as my bag also includes all of the boys stuff. Since I've needed said "stuff" during the last couple of days, my once very organized bag is a mess of clothes, diapers (clean), and other jumble on the bedroom floor. It's just that when I get a free moment, that's not the first thing I'd like to do. But that doesn't change the fact that I still have to do it...

We did have a lovely trip to my parents' place, seeing Celeste's family as well. I think fun was had by all despite the fact that we contaminated everyone, giving out three colds, not including Graeme's. He won first prize with a crazy cold and his 4th ear infection. I think everyone is on the mend now, but our apologies again.

Now it is time for Christmas decorations - mostly done. (That's what I've been doing when I should have unpacked!) I am excited for everything considering both boys are old enough now to get into the Santa thing and all the decorations. Graeme even tried to say Santa today. It didn't sound like much, but he does try to repeat whatever you say (usually "tractor" which comes out "ah or").

I'll try to be better about writing more. It is easy to leave it too long and then be too tired. Sleep has been an issue with us lately, but the last few nights have been good. Let's hope that continues!

Speaking of...

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