Saturday, September 25, 2010

End of the Season

Today I'm taking down the garden. Sniff. It is just too wet out and everything is getting moldy. Sniff, sniff. I don't know if it was me or the weather, but the garden wasn't as exciting this year as last year. The spiders seem to like it though - we've got lots of those!

Graeme helped me pick the rest of the tomatoes a couple days ago. (He was a good helper because he usually picks all the green ones anyway, so this time that was actually helpful!) I had one tray to dry and then the rest are ripening. But we ended up with only two pans full, opposed to like 5 last year. Still, I can't complain really.

As for the beans, the purple ones seemed to overtake the planting space and there weren't many green beans to speak of... but neither were as abundant as last year. The purple beans were flat, though, and even if they did produce tons, I don't think I would have pickled them.

There is one lone brussel sprout, that I started from seed, which seems to be doing quite well. It will stay just in case it produces sprouts we could actually eat!

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