Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's Going On?

Lately, I've been working slowly toward putting together a website for more work oriented issues: health, wellness, happiness, fun, yoga, sanity, organization, etc.  So, I wanted to ask:

What are the things you're most interested in reading about in terms of personal health and well-being?

What issues are the biggest struggles in getting through the day or moving forward toward your dream?

What are the topics that you're just a little bit afraid to deal with or areas where change would be difficult?

What is going well, and how can you get more of it?

I'll still, of course, be writing here and posting about our life and the boys.  Just hoping that my new site, when it is finished, will be relevant and fun to read as well!

Please help me out and leave comments about what's going on with you, your friends, or family that you'd be interested in exploring.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cara,
    I enjoy your blog, your writing style, and think your boys are a hoot.
    A topic I'm interested in is "stepping out of your comfort zone". I'd prefer to *not* step out of mine, but it looks like a lot of folks are having fun giving it a go. The whole rock climbing, hiking, marathon running bunch seem to be 1) in better shape 2) happy 3) disciplined. So, I've started walking the dogs on a wider, slightly larger incline around the local park. It makes them happy, which, in turn, makes my life easier. You've gotta start somewhere... :)
