Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What a Picture is Worth...

To make up for all the blog posts I meant to write thus far this summer... snapshots of our world.  (Ok, well of the bees in our garden.)  After years with this camera, I've figured out how to do super zoom (and, yes, I know that's extremely technical language).  Now I've got lots of pictures of bees.  And my boys.

 Though the flower is on the way out, the bee is still having fun!

Afternoon sun highlighting a zinnia, accompanied by bolted cilantro (coriander).

Cute kid No.1 swimming in grandma's pool.

Cute kid No. 2, who jumped off the diving board multiple times.  
(Floaties on, for the record.)

We got to hike Tiger Mountain while the kids were at grandma's.
They totally changed the trail in the 5 years since we'd been there!  

Carrots in the garden.  Biggest ever!  
It helps to be away a lot so the carrots actually have a chance to grow without being pulled too early by little munchkins.

Happy bee in our only sunflower open thus far.

Rollin' in pollen.  Looks fun!

Yum!  Raspberries!  
Alas, the season is over for our hard working plants, but we got a lot of raspberries out of them.  
The boys enjoyed them thoroughly!

Last, another friend from the garden.  A cool, striped dragonfly.  There has been a hummingbird buzzing around too (they are remarkably loud), but he was too fast for my shutter finger.

("Pay no attention to the weed in the garden bed beside me," says dear dragonfly.)  
I try to get most weeds, but gave up on the clover.
An unfortunate decision, as it is now everywhere!

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