I gave my day yesterday too little recognition. Yes, it was a challenging day with many tantrums and time outs (only a couple were mine). But, really, there were some amazing moments. (One of those moment certainly wasn't the realization that Graeme was potentially sucking on cat poop rocks.) The amazing moments, for the most part, remain unrecognized and unappreciated. It is on these moments that I'm trying (trying, trying) to focus my attention. For instance, Graeme in the bath exploring the bubbles. Pop, pop. Full face dunk coming up with a big bubbly smile. Gavin singing the "Cars" song (Life is a Highway) or "On Top of Old Smokey" when he's playing cars. The way that Graeme, though he only has seven teeth, can devour an orange slice in a glance. And then say, "Mo pees!"

It is those moments that I want to keep in my memory bank. Then the tantrums and whatnot won't get as much space. And, of course, some misbehaving just makes you smile.
As for the other stuff -- the plans and aspirations -- they will happen when they do. I am excited for that time, but I'm also in love with the snuggles, eye kisses, and puppy dog licks that mean I am loved and doing an ok job.