Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oscar curse?

I should be doing yoga homework right now, but I can't start work without a little down time, right? Of course, last two weeks have been "down time" for me... in that strange way that chasing two toddlers is "down time". Anyway, I couldn't help noticing a MSN headline post about the Oscar curse for best actress. Really? I don't have much to say about this (ok, maybe I have a lot to say, but am not sure how to say it), but it does seem a bit strange to me that people make that correlation. Or, at least, that even though relationships everywhere end up not working -- and, seemingly, especially in the entertainment industry -- media must find something bad about the highest honor (so they say) in one's profession. Let the women be successful for God's sake! It's silly, yet it really does speak to me about expectations. Can women not be successful without their life falling apart?

There was recently an article in More magazine (yes, I know I'm not in their demographic yet, but doesn't hurt to plan ahead) about women being less happy than they were 40 years ago. The author, Naomi Wolf, mentioned that "happy" was seen to be the same thing as "satisfied". Since women have more options and more responsibilities, than they did 40 years ago, it makes sense that life may be more complicated and that women may be less satisfied... they are ever striving for something more or better. (Even the magazine title falls right in line... More!) And it may be common practice, as the author states, to downplay success or focus on the troubles in one's life. Maybe women (and men too) have forgotten a little bit about simple pleasures, family moments, and appreciating life itself wit all it's little (and big) challenges. So, is it really necessary to take one's shining moment and rip it to shreds as the cause of one's life falling apart? What message does that send to younger girls? Whisper: don't be too successful or your relationships will not work out... better to work in a sexy outfitted coffee bar as a barista....

I mean really.


  1. Even worse, I think, is the fact that it's sensationalized with women. Sean Penn's relationship hasn't done well over the years as I'm sure many Oscar winners haven't, yet the spotlight is placed on the women... like their relationships define them. Ridiculous!
