Thursday, June 10, 2010

Musings for the Day

Here are a few thoughts that have crossed my mind today. First, I realize now that, as a mom of two boys, I'm going to have to be eternally interested (or feign interest anyway) in trucks, worms, and other 'catchable' creatures. Trucks are a given, and I've become used to that... I can spot dualies* and diggers faster than Graeme (not as fast as Gavin though). And, as a emerging gardener, I also like worms, but not enough to put them in my pocket. I was cooking dinner tonight and the boys were playing outside with Craig. Gavin came to the door no less than three times saying, "Look mummy! A worm! I've got a worm!! I like worms, all the time. This is my favorite new worm." He is genuinely excited about each one, and before he came inside for dinner we had to do a highly technical worm extraction from his pockets. Total? Three. All still alive and tossed into the garden.

(For the record, yesterday Graeme also found the most massive worm I've ever seen. This worm was truly interesting - at least for a little bit.)

As another example, Gavin wanted to play inside today, but I wanted him to go outside at least for a little bit. He wasn't interested at all until I said, "Hey, there's a cool slug outside. Want to come see it?" He jumped up immediately and was like, "There's a cool slug. I want to put him in my bucket." Out the door in a heartbeat! (My apologies to said slug, as I have no idea where he ended up. Not in the pockets though, I checked. And I might as well also apologize to the rolly-polly bug in Gavin's backpack.)

What were my other musings today... now I seem to have forgotten. Oh, about dinner. Tonight I made fajitas prompted by Craig buying a mango. I've realized that fajitas are my comfort food of choice, with avocado, mango, lime, and cilantro. It reminds me of home and makes me feel happy. And it's healthier than mac 'n cheese. What's also interesting is that I don't mind making dinner every night, which I thought I would loathe when this little family business first started. I've actually developed a pretty good interest in cooking cool stuff, but (with any luck) it is a time when I'm by myself. That may sound horrible, but alone time doesn't happen much these days. The boys were with Craig this afternoon and, aside from the periodic worm show, it was just me with all the yummy potential in the kitchen. (And it turned out pretty well too...)

I had more to write, I'm sure, but I don't remember now. It seems, in this Facebook oriented world (or at least household), I go through my day thinking of witty status updates that I never end up posting because I've forgotten them by the time I sit down to write. (Except for Gavin peeing down the heating vent, that was pretty easy to remember.)

In any case, I should be studying right now. My yoga program finishes this weekend and I've got an exam and two things to teach. Needless to say, writing this blog isn't going to help me do well. Except, on second thought, it is helping me relax and wind down, so maybe it is helping after all. (And if I need another diversion, I'll post pictures of the massive worm and the boys' new haircuts.) Stay tuned. ;)

*Dualies are trucks with two wheels in the back, which in our family also includes any massive truck that has more than two tires in the back. It's a constant: "A dualie, look a dualie... another dualie..." in my car every time we go somewhere.

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