Tomorrow we head to Radiator Springs for Thanksgiving. Or that's what we call it. We're headed to my parents' place in Hurricane, Utah and Gavin is very excited. He's excited to see everyone, for sure, but even more because Mater and Lightening McQueen live there. It really does look like Radiator Springs. Gavin keeps saying, "I want to go to Radiator Springs! The cutest little town in Cabrerater County!" 'Carburetor' is hard for him to say.
I'm excited too! Not entirely looking forward to the flight, but we'll get through. I've armed myself with snacks, new little books (a la Cars), and - would you guess - some actual cars. Actual toy cars, that is. All of that will be in the carry on, of course. I just had a vision of myself wearing an overcoat filled with all of those things, kind of like the guy who's trying to sell stolen watches. I don't know if that would get through security.
Since I can tell I'm not really making sense, I need to sign off and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy a break, your family, friends, or just some needed quiet space... whatever the day brings.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Good Morning!
Saturday morning and the day is full of possibility. Though we had a short 4:30am wake up with Graeme, and a squawk with Gavin around 6am, the family slept until 7-7:30am. That hasn't happened in ages! (Like, really, probably before we had kids.) Of course, Craig was sleeping with Graeme on the couch and I was snuggling with Gavin in his bed since the earlier wake ups, but I'll take it! And, to top it off, Craig is upstairs making french toast and sausage for breakfast while I, um, watch the kids.
Oops, getting called for a snuggle!
Oops, getting called for a snuggle!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A Case for Captivity
I'm just contemplating the title of this blog, and wondering: Is it possible for a 2.5 year old to pass up the candy stash at the grocery check out? Probably not.
Since Gavin is getting older, and more mature (right?), I've been experimenting with having him 'free' in public places. (As opposed to being strapped in a stroller or cart, of course.) So far, I'm not a big fan. He does alright now that he's had a little practice, but I'll give you a glimpse of my grocery store trip this afternoon.
It starts out sanely enough. Gavin's hopping, of course, because he wants to be a bunny, but that's fine. He does ok in the beginning... lingering a little long by the cake section. Then we meet the cracker and cookie section, which is unfortunately placed across from eggs and cheese (otherwise, I'd avoid it!). He grabs a couple bags of rice cakes and starts running away. Cute, right? A little. He thinks it is incredibly funny, as do some of the other shoppers (thank God), but I find it cute maybe the first time. When I ask him to put them back, he says, "I'm just going to stay here by these. I live here." Meanwhile, Graeme is being an absolute angel (and why wouldn't you be, right? He's got so much entertainment), but cute as can be. Not a peep.
Gavin comes with us for a while, till he sees the Oreo cookies. Then he lives by those for a while. This continues until he magically finds some twist ties in the produce section. (Note to self: start in that section!) Those seem to amuse him for some time and he stays by our cart trying to make a hook (for a tow truck, or Mater, naturally). Then... check out.
Heaven help mums (and dads) who've got free and able children at the check out. Who can pass up all that colorful candy? Three times Gavin grabs something and runs forward, so like on his way out the register line. I have to get him, of course, which requires leaving the post. I ask him to sit by my, because he has flopped on the floor, and he starts crawling back to the candy, now beyond the lady in line behind me. "I totally understand," she say, "I've got one myself." But really, who is this lady (me) who can't control her kid! Yuck.
I was not in the best mood when I got home. We'll try it again next time. I am amazed by mums who's boys (or girls for that matter) just hang out by them while they shop. Gavin is into everything, wants to race everyone, and eat all the food in the grocery store. Usually through the plastic packaging.
If any of those mums are reading this? What's your trick? (Aside from maybe being better at discipline than we are... that surely couldn't be the problem! Ha!)
Since Gavin is getting older, and more mature (right?), I've been experimenting with having him 'free' in public places. (As opposed to being strapped in a stroller or cart, of course.) So far, I'm not a big fan. He does alright now that he's had a little practice, but I'll give you a glimpse of my grocery store trip this afternoon.
It starts out sanely enough. Gavin's hopping, of course, because he wants to be a bunny, but that's fine. He does ok in the beginning... lingering a little long by the cake section. Then we meet the cracker and cookie section, which is unfortunately placed across from eggs and cheese (otherwise, I'd avoid it!). He grabs a couple bags of rice cakes and starts running away. Cute, right? A little. He thinks it is incredibly funny, as do some of the other shoppers (thank God), but I find it cute maybe the first time. When I ask him to put them back, he says, "I'm just going to stay here by these. I live here." Meanwhile, Graeme is being an absolute angel (and why wouldn't you be, right? He's got so much entertainment), but cute as can be. Not a peep.
Gavin comes with us for a while, till he sees the Oreo cookies. Then he lives by those for a while. This continues until he magically finds some twist ties in the produce section. (Note to self: start in that section!) Those seem to amuse him for some time and he stays by our cart trying to make a hook (for a tow truck, or Mater, naturally). Then... check out.
Heaven help mums (and dads) who've got free and able children at the check out. Who can pass up all that colorful candy? Three times Gavin grabs something and runs forward, so like on his way out the register line. I have to get him, of course, which requires leaving the post. I ask him to sit by my, because he has flopped on the floor, and he starts crawling back to the candy, now beyond the lady in line behind me. "I totally understand," she say, "I've got one myself." But really, who is this lady (me) who can't control her kid! Yuck.
I was not in the best mood when I got home. We'll try it again next time. I am amazed by mums who's boys (or girls for that matter) just hang out by them while they shop. Gavin is into everything, wants to race everyone, and eat all the food in the grocery store. Usually through the plastic packaging.
If any of those mums are reading this? What's your trick? (Aside from maybe being better at discipline than we are... that surely couldn't be the problem! Ha!)
Bye bye!
The boys are sleeping now. However, my extra two hours of free time have magically disappeared. For a while, I could drop Gavin off at preschool and then return home to put Graeme down for a 2 hour morning nap. Then he'd take another 2 hour nap with Gavin later in the day. He's discovered my motives, and now will not take an afternoon nap at all if he sleeps that long in the morning. So, it's back to the gym. Probably better for us all and certainly good for me considering the number Skittles I've eaten in the last 5 minutes.
When we dropped Gavin off for school today, Graeme had just fallen asleep in the car. As I unbuckled Gavin's car seat straps, he leaned over a little and gave Graeme an air kiss. Then said, "Bye bye, Graeme. I love you!" So cute, and not prompted by me at all. And then inside as I talked to his teacher, I got, "Bye bye, Mummy! Bye bye, Mummy!" which had an entirely different meaning.
When we dropped Gavin off for school today, Graeme had just fallen asleep in the car. As I unbuckled Gavin's car seat straps, he leaned over a little and gave Graeme an air kiss. Then said, "Bye bye, Graeme. I love you!" So cute, and not prompted by me at all. And then inside as I talked to his teacher, I got, "Bye bye, Mummy! Bye bye, Mummy!" which had an entirely different meaning.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Feel the Burn
Last night I neglected to mention that I almost burnt all of our taste buds off, along with the garlic bread which I ALWAYS burn no matter what. I made BBQ pork sandwiches for dinner (leftovers after having carnitas the night before). My usual trick is to Google whatever recipe I need and then make whatever looks yummiest. So, had a BBQ page and they looked easy and good. Little did I know that 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper goes a long way! Of course, Craig and I are spice wimps, but I didn't really even think about this being spicy.
I made two sauces because they both sounded fun.
Pulled Pork Sauce
Mustard Sauce
Mustard Sauce
It was yummy. I'd totally make it again.
I'd just make something different for the kids!
I'd just make something different for the kids!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Getting Bigger Already
I need to stop waiting till the end of the day to write, because by the time I get here, I'm feeling too tired to be witty. So, instead, I'm going to do a quick synopsis of our life these past few days. Mostly a 'boys' update, since not too much is going on with Craig and myself. Here goes:
1) Making forts and pillow jumping is now a family favorite in the afternoon. The boys usually play ok together for a while, and it is extremely fun to see them laughing with each other.

2) Graeme has started giving me "kisses" where he smooshes is forehead and face into mine (very slowly) and then holds it, then pulls back to look at me, and then does it again. It is funny. And slobbery. But melt your heart sweet.
3) Gavin is getting the hang of being polite. Yesterday we went to a pottery painting place and he said to the lady working there, "Please will you give me a lollipop please?"
4) And today, we got flu shots, so I told Gavin he could get a lollipop if he was good in the doctor's office. And he sings, "Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolly lolly lolly... duh, duh, duh." Too cute.
5) Graeme is turning into a little man. You can see it happening. It's crazy. Last night at dinner Gavin and Craig were making car noises, and Graeme joined right in with them. Totally smiling the whole time knowing he was doing what they were doing. I suspect I'll have dinner with car noises from this time forward.
Friday, November 6, 2009
End of an Era
Today was, finally, the last day of tomatoes. Yes, they lasted this long. I was amazed. Nearly all of our tomatoes from this summer ripened, and they lasted forever without getting icky.
I'm kind of sad to go to the grocery store tomorrow. It'll be the first time I've purchased tomatoes since probably the beginning of August. Crazy.
Might have to buy an InStyle magazine to make myself feel better.
I'm kind of sad to go to the grocery store tomorrow. It'll be the first time I've purchased tomatoes since probably the beginning of August. Crazy.
Might have to buy an InStyle magazine to make myself feel better.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Update on the Boys
I was wondering what to write about tonight. That was until I went to check on Gavin. "Mummy, I did it," he says. "I took my pants off. I apologize for taking my pants off, Mummy."
How can you be upset with that? SO cute. (This has been his new habit - taking everything off after we put him to bed. And, just for the record, the diaper stayed on this time.) I got him back into pants and into bed, then he wanted to snuggle. So I climb in with him for a few minutes and he employs the neck latch so I can't get away. Not that I'd want to, since he is very cute tonight. (As opposed to other nights where he "wants" to snuggle, but then just pokes your nose or says, "Eyebrows. Mummy has eyes!") But he gets really close and then starts sniffing my check, like the cute little puppy dog that he wishes he was sometimes I think.
We snuggle for a bit, then he says, "Mummy, I have a question for you." "Yes?" I say. "May I have some water please thank you?" "Of course, sweetie." Now let's hope he's asleep.
That's been Gavin's thing lately: "Daddy, Mummy, may I ask you a question?" Then he usually says: "Trick or treats are yummy!" or "Pickled peppers are yummy!" We're trying to teach how to ask proper questions, but either way it is quite sweet.
Graeme is also very cute, of course. He is getting faster and faster in walking and climbing. And he still employs "turbo crawl" when needed. I think his balance will be quite good since a lot of the time Gavin is trying to push him down or take toys away. Graeme is, however, starting to fight back. And he does have a bit of a temper, even with us. Where Gavin was totally content to let us brush teeth, cut nails, or do pretty much whatever needed Graeme is the opposite. He hates it and tries everything to get away: plank, spin, arm blocks, etc.
He is starting to enjoy books, which is fantastic. He has favorites - Curious George - and he lets you know (employing above techniques) if he's done reading or doesn't like the book you've chosen. Turning pages as fast as possible is also something he loves. With Gavin I could sit and explain pictures and point things out, and Graeme is all about keeping things moving. It is great, though, to see him pick up a book while they are playing and just look at the pictures. It is usually a truck book, but you've got to start somewhere.
How can you be upset with that? SO cute. (This has been his new habit - taking everything off after we put him to bed. And, just for the record, the diaper stayed on this time.) I got him back into pants and into bed, then he wanted to snuggle. So I climb in with him for a few minutes and he employs the neck latch so I can't get away. Not that I'd want to, since he is very cute tonight. (As opposed to other nights where he "wants" to snuggle, but then just pokes your nose or says, "Eyebrows. Mummy has eyes!") But he gets really close and then starts sniffing my check, like the cute little puppy dog that he wishes he was sometimes I think.
We snuggle for a bit, then he says, "Mummy, I have a question for you." "Yes?" I say. "May I have some water please thank you?" "Of course, sweetie." Now let's hope he's asleep.
That's been Gavin's thing lately: "Daddy, Mummy, may I ask you a question?" Then he usually says: "Trick or treats are yummy!" or "Pickled peppers are yummy!" We're trying to teach how to ask proper questions, but either way it is quite sweet.
Graeme is also very cute, of course. He is getting faster and faster in walking and climbing. And he still employs "turbo crawl" when needed. I think his balance will be quite good since a lot of the time Gavin is trying to push him down or take toys away. Graeme is, however, starting to fight back. And he does have a bit of a temper, even with us. Where Gavin was totally content to let us brush teeth, cut nails, or do pretty much whatever needed Graeme is the opposite. He hates it and tries everything to get away: plank, spin, arm blocks, etc.
He is starting to enjoy books, which is fantastic. He has favorites - Curious George - and he lets you know (employing above techniques) if he's done reading or doesn't like the book you've chosen. Turning pages as fast as possible is also something he loves. With Gavin I could sit and explain pictures and point things out, and Graeme is all about keeping things moving. It is great, though, to see him pick up a book while they are playing and just look at the pictures. It is usually a truck book, but you've got to start somewhere.
Monday, November 2, 2009
New Adventures of Old Coach Cara
In keeping with the name of my blog, I wanted to note that I've started coaching again. A new adventure that might open up lots of possibilities, for me and hopefully other people too. I had been thinking about getting back into that "world" (so to speak, life coaching or personal coaching), when a former client called to work with me again. It was perfect timing!
Now I am working toward certification for personal coaching, in addition to doing the yoga teacher training. My hope is to blend the two disciplines in order to help people to be healthier, happier, and enjoy life more. For those who may not know, I did complete training to be a personal coach while I was in school for my MA (different programs, of course). Now I just need current hours.
In order to get certified, I need to work with a lot more people. So, (shameless request) I'm just putting it out there that if anyone is need of some focus, accountability, fun, etc. or you just might wonder what coaching is... let me know.
Now I am working toward certification for personal coaching, in addition to doing the yoga teacher training. My hope is to blend the two disciplines in order to help people to be healthier, happier, and enjoy life more. For those who may not know, I did complete training to be a personal coach while I was in school for my MA (different programs, of course). Now I just need current hours.
In order to get certified, I need to work with a lot more people. So, (shameless request) I'm just putting it out there that if anyone is need of some focus, accountability, fun, etc. or you just might wonder what coaching is... let me know.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Put on your shoes, cause we're walking!
Just a quick post to announce that we officially have two walking toddlers. (Not waking. Hopefully not waking, at least not right now.) Graeme has taken off today, walking everywhere. He is SO proud of himself; just a crack up. And only a couple face plants.
Now I'm a little worried about how my life will change...
Now I'm a little worried about how my life will change...
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