Thursday, November 5, 2009

Update on the Boys

I was wondering what to write about tonight. That was until I went to check on Gavin. "Mummy, I did it," he says. "I took my pants off. I apologize for taking my pants off, Mummy."

How can you be upset with that? SO cute. (This has been his new habit - taking everything off after we put him to bed. And, just for the record, the diaper stayed on this time.) I got him back into pants and into bed, then he wanted to snuggle. So I climb in with him for a few minutes and he employs the neck latch so I can't get away. Not that I'd want to, since he is very cute tonight. (As opposed to other nights where he "wants" to snuggle, but then just pokes your nose or says, "Eyebrows. Mummy has eyes!") But he gets really close and then starts sniffing my check, like the cute little puppy dog that he wishes he was sometimes I think.

We snuggle for a bit, then he says, "Mummy, I have a question for you." "Yes?" I say. "May I have some water please thank you?" "Of course, sweetie." Now let's hope he's asleep.

That's been Gavin's thing lately: "Daddy, Mummy, may I ask you a question?" Then he usually says: "Trick or treats are yummy!" or "Pickled peppers are yummy!" We're trying to teach how to ask proper questions, but either way it is quite sweet.

Graeme is also very cute, of course. He is getting faster and faster in walking and climbing. And he still employs "turbo crawl" when needed. I think his balance will be quite good since a lot of the time Gavin is trying to push him down or take toys away. Graeme is, however, starting to fight back. And he does have a bit of a temper, even with us. Where Gavin was totally content to let us brush teeth, cut nails, or do pretty much whatever needed Graeme is the opposite. He hates it and tries everything to get away: plank, spin, arm blocks, etc.

He is starting to enjoy books, which is fantastic. He has favorites - Curious George - and he lets you know (employing above techniques) if he's done reading or doesn't like the book you've chosen. Turning pages as fast as possible is also something he loves. With Gavin I could sit and explain pictures and point things out, and Graeme is all about keeping things moving. It is great, though, to see him pick up a book while they are playing and just look at the pictures. It is usually a truck book, but you've got to start somewhere.

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