Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Case for Captivity

I'm just contemplating the title of this blog, and wondering: Is it possible for a 2.5 year old to pass up the candy stash at the grocery check out? Probably not.

Since Gavin is getting older, and more mature (right?), I've been experimenting with having him 'free' in public places. (As opposed to being strapped in a stroller or cart, of course.) So far, I'm not a big fan. He does alright now that he's had a little practice, but I'll give you a glimpse of my grocery store trip this afternoon.

It starts out sanely enough. Gavin's hopping, of course, because he wants to be a bunny, but that's fine. He does ok in the beginning... lingering a little long by the cake section. Then we meet the cracker and cookie section, which is unfortunately placed across from eggs and cheese (otherwise, I'd avoid it!). He grabs a couple bags of rice cakes and starts running away. Cute, right? A little. He thinks it is incredibly funny, as do some of the other shoppers (thank God), but I find it cute maybe the first time. When I ask him to put them back, he says, "I'm just going to stay here by these. I live here." Meanwhile, Graeme is being an absolute angel (and why wouldn't you be, right? He's got so much entertainment), but cute as can be. Not a peep.

Gavin comes with us for a while, till he sees the Oreo cookies. Then he lives by those for a while. This continues until he magically finds some twist ties in the produce section. (Note to self: start in that section!) Those seem to amuse him for some time and he stays by our cart trying to make a hook (for a tow truck, or Mater, naturally). Then... check out.

Heaven help mums (and dads) who've got free and able children at the check out. Who can pass up all that colorful candy? Three times Gavin grabs something and runs forward, so like on his way out the register line. I have to get him, of course, which requires leaving the post. I ask him to sit by my, because he has flopped on the floor, and he starts crawling back to the candy, now beyond the lady in line behind me. "I totally understand," she say, "I've got one myself." But really, who is this lady (me) who can't control her kid! Yuck.

I was not in the best mood when I got home. We'll try it again next time. I am amazed by mums who's boys (or girls for that matter) just hang out by them while they shop. Gavin is into everything, wants to race everyone, and eat all the food in the grocery store. Usually through the plastic packaging.

If any of those mums are reading this? What's your trick? (Aside from maybe being better at discipline than we are... that surely couldn't be the problem! Ha!)

1 comment:

  1. So...I'm not a mom but my mom used to work in a kindergarten class where they would have story reading where the kids would all sit in a group in front of the teacher. She would sit the "problem" kids in the front and call them her "Amen" crew and then pretty much the majority of the time move her feet from one kid to the next to keep their attention on her. So...maybe next time make him sit next to you facing you and just put your foot on him:)
