Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Getting Bigger Already

I just thought this was cute.

I need to stop waiting till the end of the day to write, because by the time I get here, I'm feeling too tired to be witty. So, instead, I'm going to do a quick synopsis of our life these past few days. Mostly a 'boys' update, since not too much is going on with Craig and myself. Here goes:

1) Making forts and pillow jumping is now a family favorite in the afternoon. The boys usually play ok together for a while, and it is extremely fun to see them laughing with each other.

2) Graeme has started giving me "kisses" where he smooshes is forehead and face into mine (very slowly) and then holds it, then pulls back to look at me, and then does it again. It is funny. And slobbery. But melt your heart sweet.

3) Gavin is getting the hang of being polite. Yesterday we went to a pottery painting place and he said to the lady working there, "Please will you give me a lollipop please?"

4) And today, we got flu shots, so I told Gavin he could get a lollipop if he was good in the doctor's office. And he sings, "Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolly lolly lolly... duh, duh, duh." Too cute.

5) Graeme is turning into a little man. You can see it happening. It's crazy. Last night at dinner Gavin and Craig were making car noises, and Graeme joined right in with them. Totally smiling the whole time knowing he was doing what they were doing. I suspect I'll have dinner with car noises from this time forward.

Love the snuggles!

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