Thursday, May 26, 2011

Independent Streak

Craig and I have agreed that Graeme is different these days.  He's becoming independent, or trying to set himself apart.  I know this is a good stage for kids that leads to their being successful, confident children.  I'd rather not, however, have to clean up milk dumped on the floor or deal with a tantrum because someone won't put on pants.  Everyday.

Thus far, he's been quite the agreeable, charming child.  Now, he's still that (of course), but he's realized he gets reactions from people by doing silly things.  And it seems like he wants to 1) make people laugh, and 2) live life on his own terms.  (Who doesn't, right?)  For Graeme, his terms (so far) seem to be:

  • be naked, even if it is still cool and rainy outside
  • sleep outside
  • eat outside
  • full access to any cupboard, drawer, or counter top
  • free range or in and out privileges at the dinner table (like, I'll sit here if I feel like it, but I'd like to eat on the go.  Preferably outside.)
  • play with food and liquid in any way (spitting, for example, which I loathe)
You might think this isn't a big deal, which in the grand scheme of terrible, horrible, very bad things that children do, you're right.  He's still adorable - with (as friends have said) a combo of eyes and voice that make you want to give him whatever he wants.  (May have to watch out for that later.)  That's why it is so notable now.  We've been lucky that all of this has been minimal to this point.  

Last night, for example, Graeme was yelling, "Mummy and Dad!" from their room - door closed -  for a while.  Both Craig and I were trying to ignore him to see if he would just go to sleep.  (Gavin sleeping all the while.)  Eventually, the door opens and he makes his way down the stairs.  The dialog preceded as follows: 

Graeme (making his crooked smile and furrowed brow face): Can you help me with my diaper?

- as he walks into the room with no clothes, diaper in hand - 

Craig and Myself (trying not to laugh): Sure, buddy.  How come you're naked?  Did you pee in your bed at all?

Graeme: Yeah... I used my blanket as a towel.

Us:  Did you poop at all? 

Graeme: A little bit.  (furrowed brow, side talking face again)

- at this point Craig and I are freaking out a bit, as this hasn't happened before either - 

Luckily, we took him upstairs and everything was fine.  (Dodged a bullet.)  So we put some jammies back on and snuggled him up.  He slept fine for the rest of the night. Thank goodness.

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