Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Preschool and Hives

Big day today! First day of preschool. I think Gavin had fun - he says so - but he did have a "Hey, Mummy's not here!" freak out moment. Or at least one. I was assuming that part would be a little hard since it is the first time he's been taken somewhere and left with people he doesn't know. Our only babysitters answer to the name "Grandma", so it's understandable to be a little distressed. But they do fun things and there's only 5-6 other kids, so he should warm up to it after a couple times. Here's a picture:

I asked him what he did at preschool and he said very matter of factly, "I didn't push any of the kids. Mummy would be mad, mad, mad." And then later when we asked again he said, "And I pushed all the kids." I'm not really sure which to believe. I did warn the teachers that he was in a pushing stage though...

Gavin right now is in his bedroom, not sleeping even though it is almost 9pm, saying, "Mummy, please get me out of here. Mummy, I put these in the bathroom. Mummy, I open the door for you..." He's learning all the techniques. Of course, I'm writing here rather than going to help him.

Hopefully he won't wake up Graeme, who is asleep right next door and has been for almost two hours. He needs his sleep as he's just recovered from an ear infection, and today, is covered with blotchy hives. It's actually quite funny because the rash doesn't bother him, and he's just as smiley and happy as ever. Only he looks like a baby leper. Turns out, he's allergic to penecillin like I am. At least his ear infection cleared up before we had to stop the meds. I didn't take a picture of the rash, but here's a recent one of him. (11mo.)

When we walked into the doctor's this afternoon, we passed a red Audi and Gavin goes (without prior prompting from me), "That is an Audi!" This weekend Grandma Karen gave him a car that's an Audi and he recognized the emblem. Crazy. Then when we left he said, "That is a pretty sweet Audi." I had to agree.

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