Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend at Our Place

We've developed this habit of going out to breakfast on Sundays, going for a walk, and then I'll go to yoga. (Ok, we've done it two Sundays, but that's habit enough for me.) The problem with this is that since we get up so early with the boys, but the time I get to yoga I am extremely caffeinated. If you practice yoga, you know that they often direct you to tune into your thoughts, see where they are going, what you're thinking about, etc. Today all my brain could think was: "I've had too much coffee! Too much, too much! Coffee, coffee, coffee... yikes, yikes, yikes. Love coffee!" Hardly the serene, centering thoughts you'd like to have, but at least it made me laugh.

We've had a pretty uneventful weekend thus far. Friday there was a little excitement as I almost got a ticket -- which is to say I got pulled over, but the guy gave me a warning. Nice police officer. I apparently ran a red light. It seemed yellow when I went through it, but if the truth be told, I was probably busy pointing out diggers and cranes to Gavin as we drove through the intersection. I didn't explain this to the police officer. This is in downtown Kirkland, where there are TONS of pedestrians, so no the best awareness on my part, but understandable because they are doing a big construction project. The funny thing is that we'd just received updated insurance cards for our cars the other day, and Friday was the day we needed to switch them out. I remember looking at it as I left thinking, "I should really put that in the car today, but oh well, I won't need it." Luckily, the card in the car was good through Friday, so I was covered. And I did put the new card in when I got home. Everyone repeat after me: "Trust your instincts. Trust your instincts."

Also Friday, I saw the most massive spider ever. I have to share a picture, even though he'll (or she'll) be much less impressive than what I saw. I was picking beans and corn, but decided I was done when I got to close to this guy.

Ok, so he still looks enormous. My chivalrous husband volunteered to "take care of" him for me and, of course, the attempts were only successful in creating one angry, gigantic spider whereabouts unknown.

On the bright side, I did get some corn picked before I met my little spider friend. We have one sort of normal size corn, and then smaller ones that are a perfect size for the boys to eat. It's actually pretty cute to see Graeme eat corn on the cob. He's pretty thorough considering he only has four teeth.

Gavin has always loved corn, of course, but these days he's in love with TowMater. Craig found some Tow Mater's Tall Tales on YouTube, which were pretty cute, then we bought a book of Mater's Tall Tales. Now that's all that Gavin quotes. He can pretty much recite the book verbatim, but he loves reenactment as well. His favorite is Mater as a daredevil. In this picture, he's playing at home, and Craig just posted a video to YouTube of our walk to the grocery store. (Link below the picture.)

That's it with the Maclean's today. I'm off to do some yard work and maybe spray our neighbor's cat with the hose, if he's in our yard, of course.

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