Monday, February 22, 2010

Dentist Day!

Off to the dentist this morning for a dual appointment for Gavin and Graeme. I was expecting the worst, as it was Graeme's first time. He's not a huge fan of brushing teeth, unless chewing on the toothbrush counts. Gavin is an old pro at the dentist, but I've usually gone back with him. I have to admit I was a little sad when the hygienist took him back without me! I was expecting a total freak out from Gavin too, since I wasn't there. My little boys are getting older. Maybe I've got my guard up too high though. They both did great! I'm torn between: "My boys don't need me as much anymore!" and "Ooh, I can just bring a book and read in the waiting room!"

Of course, the dentist and everyone who works there is great with kids and they've got all sorts of tricks. But I was impressed. And pleasantly surprised that the boys squirmed a little, but generally had fun and have healthy teeth. That's the best part. (And we got a balloon, which is hours of fun.)

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