Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Good Life

Today I've been noticing the joy in simple pleasures. Watching Gavin and Graeme, I see just how much joy they get out of life. It makes me smile; a good reminder that we don't need a lot. Something yummy, and something cozy.

For Graeme, I can see the fun he has every morning (and afternoon) coming downstairs and flopping onto his two enormous Pillow Pals. He flops down and rolls around a bit like a puppy getting comfortable, tongue wagging just the same. Also, when offered some dried mango, his eyes widen and he says, "Maa-gooo," then comes running like I made his whole day.

Then, I was watching Gavin as he ate lunch this afternoon. Tomato soup. Each spoonful came with a focused slurp. You could tell he was enjoying every bite. "Does slurping make it taste better?" I asked. He responded, "Mummy, it tastes better when I eat it." Well, that makes sense too. After lunch we went downstairs (while Graeme was napping), and we played a game. Then I put some laundry onto the couch straight from the dryer. Gavin jumped up and started to roll around in it, which was very cute, but also wrinkle-inducing. So I grabbed the blankets we keep downstairs and tossed them into the dryer for a few minutes. Hearing the giggles when I bundled him up in the warm blankets was priceless. "Oh, snuggly, snuggly," he said.

Gavin also came home from preschool today with a Valentine. On the back it read:

What is a Valentine?
"A valentine snack."

What color is love?

How do you know?
"Because she's snuggly."

I think I need to go have a snuggle. And maybe a snack.

1 comment:

  1. cute! the things that come out of the mouths of babes :)
