Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Looking ahead...

Yesterday I received in the mail my Baker Creek Heirloom Seed catalog! I was surprised how excited I was... and now I'm already thinking about next summer's garden. (Let's hope for better weather!) I've been glancing at it all day and circling varieties I'd like to try. I have vowed (sort of) to keep to the things I know my kids will eat or things I can freeze and use later. That means lots of beans, tomatoes, and cucumbers... but lots of other stuff too. I think I'll just plan to buy peppers at the farmer's market though. I've had enough disappointment in that area. I've even got Craig thinking about how I could rig a light in our laundry room to grow starts properly... stay tuned... (oh, our exciting life!).

In any case, planning a summer garden is something hopeful on a very wet and somewhat dreary day! (Though we did have a few amazing sun breaks today!)

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