Thursday, December 2, 2010

New challenges, new habits.

It's now December and things are beginning to change in our little world. The boys, of course, are growing like crazy and getting interested in big kids things like drawing, writing letters, and doing projects. (This means that I need to tune into my craftiness!) It has been fun to see their interest grow... Gavin has even been playing around on the piano with his "music notes". This is where he spreads out all the sheet music he can find and then bangs on the piano a bit. But it's a start, right?

My new project is trying to get up early. 5 am. I did it today and it felt pretty good, so we'll see if I can manage it everyday. For a long time, I've wanted (wanted? maybe realized it is necessary?) to get up early to do yoga, read, write, or generally get some quiet time to tune in and learn a little something. Now, however, I will be starting to teach a 5:45am morning yoga class at our YMCA on Monday mornings. So, I need to retrain my body so waking up early is normal... so I can me mildly functional in front of other people. To help them wake up too.

I've also got a few other 'irons in the fire' so to speak where I could be teaching at other places, but nothing is finalized yet. I'll keep you posted. I'm nervous and excited to be beginning a new adventure... whatever form it takes.

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