Thursday, December 2, 2010


Though I love the title of my blog, a recent post by another blogger has my thinking about how I might re-frame my perspective. Here's the link to the full post if you are interested:

In short, the idea is that if you are always focused on things being possible, they may never manifest. You get stuck in this 'what if' scenario where your dreams are always just beyond your reach. They are possible, but without any 'stick-to-it-iv-ness', nothing really ever happens. You're kind of in limbo. This resonated with me, because I have lots of dreams and things I'd like to happen. My natural reaction to dreaming, however, is to take a nap.* While this creates a hopeful, rested me, it doesn't actually move me toward realizing dreams. Naps are far less scary than actually putting yourself out there.

*While this is my natural inclination, it doesn't happen really anymore. To be truthful, I'd still nap if I got the chance.

1 comment:

  1. Teh other side of that coin, is that far too many people (myself included at times) let a certain sense of fatalism rob them of the capacity to ask, "What if?!"

    I think that there's a certain joy in just playing the imagination game, and considering all the possibilities. You've got to pick them up, turn them over, look at them and ponder them. Some might just make you laugh, some might make you shudder, and some might make you say, "Hmmm...what if..?"

    Then THOSE are the ones you "visualize success" and go after!
