Thursday, October 29, 2009

El Materdor Emerges

My accomplishment today was getting Gavin's Halloween costume done. The trick on Saturday will be getting him to actually wear it. He's going to be "El Materdor," which if you're Cars fans, you might know what that is. It's from Mater's Tall Tales, where he used to be a famous bulldozer fighter in Spain. Graeme is going to be the bull. This actually signifies their relationship right now pretty well. I'll post pictures after the weekend, but I have to say I'm quite proud of myself. Value Village is the best for finding cheap costume ideas and materials.

Other notes: I'm getting a cold. Blah. No fun. Let's hope the rest of the family doesn't get it. If only I could quarantine myself at, say, the Seattle Four Seasons. I'd be totally willing to sacrifice a few days.

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