Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cupcake Insanity

Tonight I decided I was clinically insane. I decided to make cupcakes with Gavin at 6:30pm. Seems relatively harmless until you add the extras:

1) Gavin had gone without a nap, and so was extra cranky and spazzy. (But did actually do a really good job helping me clean up the toys and his room... thus, why I entertained the idea when he ran the to spice cupboard, grabbed the sprinkles, and said "Let's make cupcakes! I want to eat them and gobble them up!" I mean, come on, SO cute and funny... but totally not something I want him to do.) Anyway,

2) Graeme was getting fussy at this point, and I didn't realize he had another surprise for me that needed to be taken care of (you can guess what).

3) There were already a TON of dishes from dinner, since I'm trying to be "Sunday dinner-ish" and made a roast chicken.

and 4) Craig was gone to his first hockey game of the season, so I was without backup.

Insane. Oh, and I had to call the neighbor and borrow some butter because I got half way through the recipe and realized we didn't have enough butter. But, as I sit here and eat my yellow (chocolate chip) cupcake with cream cheese frosting and sprinkles, I'm glad I did it. Gavin had fun (Graeme not so much, but he went to bed halfway through), and then Gavin went to bed without a peep. Even a toddler can't argue or protest to someone that just made them cupcakes, right?? Unless maybe it was his birthday, since all toddlers seem to be grumpy on their birthday. (Just something I've noticed... maybe you have too.)

And, here's the crafty part. I froze most of them. Now when Gavin's been good (or me too) I don't have to bake a whole load of cupcakes. I can just stick one in the microwave for 30 seconds and I'm golden. Or it's golden. And then Gavin can frost and decorate his cupcake to his heart's content. I suppose I just have to keep frosting on hand, which could prove to be dangerous.

An added plus is that, when Craig gets home (and I hear the garage door now), he can have a cupcake to celebrate a win, or console a loss. Hopefully they were victorious!

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